The following screenshots chart the development of Civil from inception to the present day:
New setup dialog graphics (2003-06-10)
- New start screen.
- Choosing an opponent.
- Setting up network info for connecting to a server.
- Selecting the theatre.
- Choosing a scenario to play.
- Main dialog, ready to start a game.
Artillery units
Army status (2002-10-23)
New shots from 0.81
- New first screen with new checkbox for toggling fullscreen mode.
- New scenario selection dialog. Looks a bit cleaner than the old one.
- An army in waiting.
- An army advancing. Not the new nice waypoints. Yellow for selected unit, blue otherwise.
0.81 Imminent
New scenario
Improved scenario editor (2002-08-30)
New first setup dialog (2002-08-05)
Help browser (2002-05-11)
New in-game dialogs (2002-04-18)
Dynamic resolutions in-game (2002-04-11)
New look, no panel anymore, movable windows (2002-04-09)
- New window for action buttons. Also a floating window.
- All windows are movable by dragging the around. This shows a custom window setup.
- No extra windows shown.
- All info-windows show.
Weapon ranges (2002-04-03)
Saving games (2002-03-20)
Credits (2002-02-11)
New in-game functionality (2002-02-04)
- Setup network parameters for the lounge.
- First version of a "lounge" system.
- Unit orders now visualized in the panel.
- New error dialog.
All new dialogs showing the changes made for the move of Civil to a TBS game
- New dialog showing the easier, cleaner connection to a game through the client.
- The final working network traffic dialog, showing a scenario download in action!
- Configuring the server port...
- Network setup. Now it's easy to run a client or a server! :-)
New objective icons
Combat policy dialog (2001-10-16)
Improved scenario editor
- A new scenario under construction. Now with roads, rivers etc.
- Confedreate units placed out on the map. Note the unit hiererchy to the left.
New units
New map
First glimpse of the Game Over backdrop
First shots of the scenario editor
Lots of small improvements
New in-game dialogs (2001-04-25)
- New help dialog button and organizational status for unit.
- Initial help dialog showing available keys
- Help dialog showing commands for a unit
Civil under win32! ;-)
Visualizing unit movement (2001-03-29)
New messagebox (2001-02-16)
Scenario updates (2001-02-11)
New dialogs for setting up the game
- Network options
- Oops, invalid data given
- Select a scenario
- Info about a scenario
- Other scenario options
- Main dialog
- Waiting for game to start
Main game view
- Shows leader info and the selected unit
- Shows some info about units in the panel
- Map with some units and shaded labels
- Map with some units and labels
- Terrains test map two - with cached borders!
- Terrain test map one
- Network loading - splash screen
Setting up the game
- Start screen, now with all buttons
- Selecting a scenario
- Choosing player settings
- Setting up the game
- Setup screen 10 (new background 1)
- Setup screen 9 (new background 1)
- Setup screen 8 (new background 1)
- Setup screen 7 (new background 1)
- Setup screen 6 (new background 1)
- Setup screen 5 (new editfield)
Old screenshots